Perth Show & Perth Salute

A great weekend was had by the band.

Saturday saw the band perform periodically throughout the day at a very wet Perth Show, many thanks go to Perthshire Rugby for letting us use their gazebo, in order to keep everyone dry whilst performing for the crowds. A couple of band members had their debut with the band, well done David & Luca

Perth Salute

Perth and District led the parade for Perth Salute, leaving Thimblerow car park, straight down the High Street to the Saluting Dais at the viewpoint , along Tay Street and onto the North Inch. At the North Inch there were many groups taking part in a mini tattoo, dancers, singers, army cadets etc etc, The band were joined by Methill & District, City of Discovery, Scots Guards Association, The Black Watch Army Cadets to create a massed Pipes and Drums. Well done to all involved, great opportunity for the band.

George Kennedy

It is with great sadness that we learn of the death of George Kennedy (Chuckles). George was a drummer in the Black Watch in the 1960s, during his tenure he played at President JFKs Funeral in 1963, and on the White House Lawn.

On leaving the Black Watch “Chuckles” took up the position of Lead Tip with Perth and District Pipe Band, where he carried out the role for some 5 years. Many of you may remember George from our participation in The Black Watch Reunion March, he was the one in the motorised scooter!!

May he rest in peace