A great weekend was had by the band.
Saturday saw the band perform periodically throughout the day at a very wet Perth Show, many thanks go to Perthshire Rugby for letting us use their gazebo, in order to keep everyone dry whilst performing for the crowds. A couple of band members had their debut with the band, well done David & Luca

Perth Salute

Perth and District led the parade for Perth Salute, leaving Thimblerow car park, straight down the High Street to the Saluting Dais at the viewpoint , along Tay Street and onto the North Inch. At the North Inch there were many groups taking part in a mini tattoo, dancers, singers, army cadets etc etc, The band were joined by Methill & District, City of Discovery, Scots Guards Association, The Black Watch Army Cadets to create a massed Pipes and Drums. Well done to all involved, great opportunity for the band.