In and around Perth

The band had a very busy day on Saturday 24th August with 3 jobs

First up – The Rotary Fayre

The Band played for the opening of the Fayre.

Second – Ukrainian 🇺🇦 March

The band led dignitaries from the 51st Highland Monument round to the Stage on North Inch.

Third – Scone & St Martins Church Fair

The band led the fancy dress parade at the Fair along with playing a few sets throughout the afternoon – Scone Church Fair is annual event in the bands calendar and a great afternoon out

Guelph Pipe Band

A tale of two pipe majors!
Pictured here are Tyler Bridge, current PMaj of the Guelph Pipe Band and Alistair Duthie, current PMaj of the Perth and District Pipe Band. Guelph’s founding pipe major, James Hill, came from the Perth and District Pipe Band and is the reason we share the same cap badge!

Thank you to Guelph Pipe Band for presenting Perth and District with a commemorative coin on the celebration of their 100th Birthday

Fabulous Weekend

The band have had a fantastic weekend in Perth

Saturday 3rd August – Perth Show

The Band were on Parade once again at Perth Show, great day for Drummers Sam Alder and Mason Scallini- Rennie they had their first parade with the Band. Perth Show is always a great day out and we thank Perth Show for giving us the opportunity.

Sunday 4th August – Perth Salute

The band lead the parade for the Perth Salute, down the High Street to the view point on Tay Street, where the Provost Xander McDade and Lord Lt Stephen Leckie took the salute, onwards to the North Inch where the Band joined with our friends from Methill & District, Uddingston, Scots Guard Association, Black Watch Cadets, to form a massed band under the direction of Pipe Major Alistair Duthie for the Salute. Great Day had by all