Fabulous Weekend

The band have had a fantastic weekend in Perth

Saturday 3rd August – Perth Show

The Band were on Parade once again at Perth Show, great day for Drummers Sam Alder and Mason Scallini- Rennie they had their first parade with the Band. Perth Show is always a great day out and we thank Perth Show for giving us the opportunity.

Sunday 4th August – Perth Salute

The band lead the parade for the Perth Salute, down the High Street to the view point on Tay Street, where the Provost Xander McDade and Lord Lt Stephen Leckie took the salute, onwards to the North Inch where the Band joined with our friends from Methill & District, Uddingston, Scots Guard Association, Black Watch Cadets, to form a massed band under the direction of Pipe Major Alistair Duthie for the Salute. Great Day had by all