Our Annual Prizegiving and Ceilidh will be held on Friday 27th September 2019, Ex Servicemans Club, Tickets will be on sale shortly.
Congratulations to Katie Duthie and Brogan Townsley
Congratulations to Katie Duthie and Brogan Townsley who have successfully auditioned for The National Youth Pipe Band of Scotland. Katie and Brogan will join Jack Liddell in attending practices in Glasgow starting this August.
Well done!
RSPBA Competition Grading
The Perth and District Pipe Band has officially been upgraded to grade 3B!
125th Anniversary
On the 15th September The band exercised its right to play through the streets of the City of Perth
21 Pipers ,8 Sides and 4 Tenors on Parade
We played at various points in the centre of the city as well as at Horse Cross this was while the Continental market and food fayre was on as well
The band then made its way to the viewing platform where we were met by our Patron Dr John and Sara Hulbert for a few photos to mark the occasion.
Then some were off for lunch at Brown and Blacks others to the Pub as the case may be.
Congratulation son our first timers today, Cian McDonnell, Kyle Stewart, and Rory Stewart
Gaelic Society of Perth
he Pipey (in his role as Piper to the society ) played at the first ceilidh of the season
Pitlochry Highland games
the band played well through out the day with just a few wee mistakes keeping us out of the first three prizes
2nd in the street march and 4th in the competition
Then marched up to Fishers Hotel in Pitlochry where there were a few tunes and a few drams
On the 1st September the band went up to the Royal Highland Gathering at Braemar.
a long but enjoyable day where Alison Duthie (aka Mrs Pipey) made her debut on the Tenor Drum
A big thanks to Ian Sinclair for stepping in on bass as Mark had injured himself at work
25th August “The Big Blaw”
We started off the day at 0930hrs meeting at St Johns Kirk and then playing up the High Street to the Rotary Clubs fair in King Edward Street at 1000.
Then a coffee and roll in Brown and Blacks and off to Upper Springlands, Capabitlity Scotland to open their fete.at 1200
Then off up to Scone Old Parish Church to play for their fete at 1400 and at 1510
So after a long day for the youngsters and oldies alike it was off home for a well earned sarsaparilla!!!
City of Perth Salute
The Parade started at 1200hrs from South Inch to North Inch along Tay St.
With Perth and District Pipe Band leading the way
We had a large band out of 24 Pipers, 8 sides and 6 Tenors.
It was a good chance to get the youngsters out and the members of the development band
once at the North Inch it was a quick brief for the Pipey as to what was happening and a quick tune up and we were on as the first act.
We then provided the solo for Amazing Grace and the massed Pipe Band at the finale
A great day and the rain stayed off !!!!
A big thank you to the Lord Lieutenant for organising this event as it allowed youngsters from all over the county to get involved.
World Pipe Band Championships
The Pipe Band played at 0924hrs on Saturday in a very cool and damp Glasgow green
The playing was quite good apart from an early E and some untidy finger work.
However we didn’t qualify as one Judge ripped it to bits!!
However a good day was had by all and although we were a leader band we were able to see the Alec Dingwall Memorial Shield presented for 4th place in Novice Juvenile to 1st Troon Boys Brigade.
We had an interesting stop at Bishopbriggs with the Pipey being sauced by some Neds!!!
His Personal Protection Team (ie Duncan and Rhys) have received remedial tactical training!!!