This is a test.
Vale of Atholl Pipe Band Solo’s
Saturday 18th January 2025
Huge well done to all those who competed at The Vale of Atholl solos yesterday,
Piob Under 15 – 3rd Callan Eskine
Novice Piping 12yrs & Under – 2nd Kayli Folan
Novice Piping 13-18 – 2nd Cameron Coupar
Drumming on Pad – 10yrs & Under – 4th = Aiden Manson & George Cunningham
Drumming on Pad – 11-18yrs – 2nd Mason Scallini-Rennie, 3rd Sam Alder
Side Drumming MSR – 18 & Under –
3rd Cian McDonnell
Tenor Drumming – 18 & Under March –
2nd – Fynn Iannetta-Lowe
4th – Kayli Folan
Well done to the following taking part in their first competition:
Eoin Robertson
George Cunningham
Aiden Manson
Mason Scallini-Rennie
Sam Alder
Stuart Orr
Fynn on Snare
Kayli on Pipes

Perth and District Pipe Band AGM
Perth and District Pipe Band AGM will take place on Monday 4th November, 7:00pm, St Leonard’s Church Hall.
All members are invited to attend.
Annual Ceilidh & Prizegiving
The band Annual Ceilidh and Prizegiving took place on Friday 20th September at the Ex Serviceman’s Club,
A great night was had by all who attended, dancing to Alba Ceilidh Band along with fabulous eats supplied by members of the band. A big thank you goes to Pete Iannetta and Eilidh Duthie for organising the ceilidh and to all who supplied raffle prizes, food etc. A great amount was raised for band funds.
Prize Winners
Most improved Learner Piper – Eoin Robertson

Most improved Drummer – Fynn Iannetta-Lowe

Most Improved Tenor/Bass – Kayli Folan

Most Improved Piper – Lily Frame

Shilling & Fitz Best Dressed Player- Pete Iannetta-Lowe

Broken Chanter Award – Bruce Erskine
Unfortunately Bruce was unable to be at the ceilidh, his son Callan picked up his prize on his behalf

Panda Award – Callan Erskine
Congratulations and well done to all Prize Winners
Norrie Sinclair
The band were saddened to hear of the passing of Norrie Sinclair
Norrie was a Piper in the band for many years along with his Brother Jimmy who was Pipe Major and their father was Pipe Major before that.
Norrie worked in Cairncross the Jewellers and well established local Jewellers in the City of Perth.
Norrie’s nephew Ian currently plays in the band

Pitlochry Highland Games
The band took part at Pitlochry Highland Games 2024.
The driech day started off with the band meeting up at the Railway Station to take part in the Annual Street Parade down to the Games Field.
Once at the Games field the band competed in Grade 4a and also played up to Grade 3 MSR,
2nd in Street Parade
2nd in Grade 4a
4th in Grade 3
After massed bands, it was on the bus and down the A9 to Bankfoot, the Annual March from the Atholl Arms to the Bankfoot Inn through the pub, out the other side, a few sets and then to mingle with the locals and guests, we had Americans, French, Germans etc say that the band had made their trip by playing down the street etc.
Huge thanks go to Fraser & Ross at the Bankfoot for their kind generosity
A great day had by all the band

In and around Perth
The band had a very busy day on Saturday 24th August with 3 jobs
First up – The Rotary Fayre
The Band played for the opening of the Fayre.

Second – Ukrainian 🇺🇦 March
The band led dignitaries from the 51st Highland Monument round to the Stage on North Inch.

Third – Scone & St Martins Church Fair
The band led the fancy dress parade at the Fair along with playing a few sets throughout the afternoon – Scone Church Fair is annual event in the bands calendar and a great afternoon out

Guelph Pipe Band
A tale of two pipe majors!
Pictured here are Tyler Bridge, current PMaj of the Guelph Pipe Band and Alistair Duthie, current PMaj of the Perth and District Pipe Band. Guelph’s founding pipe major, James Hill, came from the Perth and District Pipe Band and is the reason we share the same cap badge!
Thank you to Guelph Pipe Band for presenting Perth and District with a commemorative coin on the celebration of their 100th Birthday

Fabulous Weekend
The band have had a fantastic weekend in Perth
Saturday 3rd August – Perth Show
The Band were on Parade once again at Perth Show, great day for Drummers Sam Alder and Mason Scallini- Rennie they had their first parade with the Band. Perth Show is always a great day out and we thank Perth Show for giving us the opportunity.
Sunday 4th August – Perth Salute
The band lead the parade for the Perth Salute, down the High Street to the view point on Tay Street, where the Provost Xander McDade and Lord Lt Stephen Leckie took the salute, onwards to the North Inch where the Band joined with our friends from Methill & District, Uddingston, Scots Guard Association, Black Watch Cadets, to form a massed band under the direction of Pipe Major Alistair Duthie for the Salute. Great Day had by all

Piper gaining Silver Medal at Tayside Judo Schools Championship
Well done to Jack Folan this weekend, yesterday playing Pipes at Dunkeld with the Pipe Band at Living History, Football this morning scoring 8 goals for Fair City Football Club and then this afternoon picking up a Silver medal in Judo.