Under 18s Christmas Party and Wreath making

Young people of the band had their Christmas Party on the last practice night of 2023 Monday 18th December, they had great fun playing games, eating Pizzas and Sweets, they had so much fun that we forgot to take photos!!!! It was great for all to mix and make new friends.

Whilst the Christmas Party was going on, some of the adults joined a wreath making class, we were very excited to welcome Jean Pedgrift to join us to instruct us on making a Christmas Wreath each, below are the final outcomes, exciting to see all the different designs using the same materials:

Perth Winter Festival

December saw a busy month for the band getting involved in all things Christmas within Perth as part of the Perth Winter Festival, what a great month we had :

2nd Dec – Switching on of Perth Christmas Lights

3rd Dec – St Andrews Parade

9th Dec – Santa Run & Nativity Parade

10th Dec – Solo Piper Stewart McBain led the Bakers Parade

Perth and Kinross Council Remembrance Parade

Perth and District Pipe Band led the Military Parade from Thimblerow Carpark, down the High Street, King Edward’s Street to St John’s Kirk.

After the Service of Remembrance, the band paraded the Military contingent as well as the hierarchy of Perth and Kinross along St John’s Street, South Street, Tay Street to the North Inch, whilst on Tay Street on the Saluting Dias was The Provost – Xander McDade, Lord Lt Perth and Kinross Stephen Leckie.

In the afternoon, a service of Remembrance was also held at Scone Cemetery, Pipe Major Duthie played the lament “Flowers of the Forrest”

King Charles III Coronation Parade

Great day for members of Perth and District Pipe Band, each receiving the King Charles III coronation medal for participation in the Honours of Scotland Parade in Edinburgh in July. Katie Duthie, Stewart McBain, Callan Erskine, Alison Salmond, Jimmy Wardlaw, Lee Fitzpatrick, Garry Brailsford

City of Brechin Solos

Saturday 23rd Sept

Well done to all band members and instructors today at City of Brechin Solo’s

Under 18 – Chanter
1st – Murray Dall
3rd – Will Reading

Under 18 Novice Tenor Drumming
3rd – Kayli Folan

Under 15 Jig
4th – Callan Erskine

Under 15 – 6/8 March
4th – Callan Erskine

15 -18 Piob – 1st – Katie Duthie
15-18 MSR – 3rd – Katie Duthie
15-18 Jig – 1st – Katie Duthie
15-18 6/8 March – 1st – Katie Duthie

Senior Champion Piper – Katie Duthie

Senior Piping – Jig & Hornpipe -Bruce Erskine 3rd place

Huge well done to Órán Salmond, Fynn Iannetta-Lowe & Jack Folan who all played fantastically well in extremely hard sections

Onwards and upwards to the next solo comp